The Cinescope Podcast
Celebrating the Movies We Love
We found 1 episode of The Cinescope Podcast with the tag “audiofictions”.
Episode 95: Contact
August 31st, 2020 | 2 hrs 7 mins
alan silvestri, alohomora, angela bassett, audiofictions, back to the future, carl sagan, cinescope, contact, cosmos, david morse, harry potter, jake busey, james v. hart, james woods, jena malone, jodie foster, john hurt, lupinpatronus, matthew mcconaughey, michael goldenberg, mugglenet, neil degrasse tyson, podcast, robert zemeckis, tom skerritt, will fichtner
In Episode 95 of The Cinescope Podcast, Chad and Michael Harle talk about one of their favorite movies, Contact!