The Cinescope Podcast
Celebrating the Movies We Love
We found 1 episode of The Cinescope Podcast with the tag “richard kind”.
Episode 92: Inside Out
July 24th, 2020 | 50 mins 49 secs
amy poehler, an american workplace, bill hader, bing bong, cinescope, diane lane, disney, inside out, josh cooley, joy, kaitlyn dias, kyle maclachlan, lewis black, meg lefauve, michael giacchino, mindy kaling, monsters inc, parks and rec, parks and recreation, pete docter, phyllis smith, pixar, podcast, richard kind, ronnie del carmen, sadness, the office, up, workplacepod
In Episode 92 of The Cinescope Podcast, Chad and Katie Rhoden talk about one of their favorite movies, Inside Out!